
Excellent Book!

I purchased it through iTunes and listened to it on a drive down to Lake Anna this weekend.

Seth Godin is an inspiration to me. I agree with most of what he says and I’m finding that he is superior at capturing my thoughts in well thought out simple writing. Of course, he isn’t aware that he is writing my thoughts. Yet, isn’t that what a great writer does? Make you feel like he got your idea down on paper in a way that is just a little clearer than you could have expressed it?

There are probably other traits that explain good writing, but I’m not in the frame of mind to carefully reference those insights here.

I just know that for $11 bucks, I was inspired to keep forging ahead, pursuing ideas regardless of the maddening crowd and will hone my skills as an amateur linchpin.

Take a look at his stuff – – even if you have to leave my blog.

After all, at this point he does say it all a little better.